Cara menginstal modem prolink pada windows 7 x64 (64 bit).
Sebagian orang menganggap kalau windows 7 yang 64 bit hanya bisa memakai modem GSM,
dan modem CDMA seperti PROLINK hanya bisa di windows 7 yang 32 bit
tapi pada kenyataan modem PROLINK bisa di pakai di windows 7 64 bit.
Cuma beda caranya menginstalnya.
Berikut caranya :
1. Instal driver modem prolink
2. masuk ke menu device manager
3. klik update driver software pada symbol ? (other devices)
4. pilih browse my computer for driver software
5. klik browse, lalu cari folder U_Modem di system c: (program file x86)
6. pilih " instal driver anyway ", tunggu sampai proses instalasi selesai
7. setelah mengenali, klik close
lakukan hal yang sama pada yang lainnya.
tapi saya belum mencobanya di windows vista 64 bit, tapi kalau anda penasaran, bisa di coba dengan cara di atas.
Good Luck ^_^
semoga bermanfaat
How to install Prolink modem on windows 7 x64 (64 bit).
Some people think that a 64 bit windows 7 can only use GSM modem,
and as PROLINK CDMA modem can only be a 32 bit windows 7
but in reality PROLINK modem can be used in windows 7 64 bit.
Just different way to install it.
Here's how:
A. Install the modem driver Prolink
2. go into device manager menu
3. click update driver software on the symbol? (other devices)
4. select browse my computer for driver software
5. click browse, then find the folder in the system U_Modem c: (program files x86)
6. select "install the driver anyway", wait until installation process is complete
7. after recognizing, click the close
Do the same on the other.
but I have not tried it in windows vista 64 bit, but if you are curious, can try in this way.
Good Luck ^ _ ^
may be useful